bioavid Lateral Flow Egg incl. Hook line | R-Biopharm bioavid Lateral Flow Egg incl. Hook line | R-Biopharm bioavid Lateral Flow Egg incl. Hook line | R-Biopharm
Manufacturer: R-Biopharm
Oringin: Germany
Code: BLH708-15
Pack size: 15 tests/box
BLH708-15 THỰC PHẨM 1 Quantity: 0 cái

bioavid Lateral Flow Egg incl. Hook line | R-Biopharm

  • bioavid Lateral Flow Egg incl. Hook line | R-Biopharm
    Manufacturer: R-Biopharm
    Oringin: Germany
    Code: BLH708-15
    Pack size: 15 tests/box

1. Intended use

The Lateral Flow Egg (Art. No. BLH708-15) with included hook line from bioavid is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of egg residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food production lines), in cleansing and process water (CIP water) and food samples. The integrated hook line prevents false negative interpretation of high positive samples.


All for swabbing now included in the kit!

2. General Information

- Egg contaminations in food possibly elicit hypersensitivity in sensitive persons. Food as well as respective production lines have to be free of residues to prevent these allergic reactions. The effectiveness of cleaning can be verified by using the Lateral Flow Egg Swabbing method. Furthermore, they are a fast and easy method to qualitatively detect egg residues in food samples.

- Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 prescribes that egg must be listed on food labels as a cause of food allergies. Comparable legal regulations are in place in the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, China, New Zealand, and many other countries. Egg white contains approx. 10 % to 11 % protein. Allergologically of importance are four main allergens that make up 80 % of egg white protein content. The main allergens include ovomucoid (11 %), ovalbumin (54 %), ovotransferrin (12 %), and lysozyme (3.5 %). In contrast, the proteins in the egg yolk have only moderate allergenicity.

- Dip sticks are an easy to use method and provide a fast and reliable analysis. The application of our bioavid dip sticks is very simple and can be handled by untrained personell. All bioavid test kits can be stored at room temperature and therefore they are an ideal tool for direct testing in production facilities. The bioavid test kits contain the complete equipment for the analysis.

3. Accessories

4. Specifications

Art. No BLH708-15
Test format    15 test strips (15 determinations)
Sample preparation • Surfaces (swabbing): swab surface with PBS-moistened swab and wash out the swab in the reaction vial
• Food samples: homogenize food sample and centrifuge or filter
• Liquid samples (e.g. CIP water): no preparation
Incubation time
5 min
Room temperature 2-25°C (35 - 77°F)
Instructions   German/English
MSDS _Lateral_Flow_Ei_Egg_incl_Hook_line_GB.pdf (English)
LOD (Detection Limit) • Whole egg (in water): ≤ 1 ppm
• Egg white (in water): ≤ 1 ppm
• Egg yolk (in water): 500 ppm
• Spiked zero matrices: 10 - 50 ppm
• Surfaces/swab samples (fresh whole egg): 0.08 µg / cm2
• Surfaces/swab samples (egg white): ≤ 0.03 µg / cm2
• Surfaces/swab samples (egg yolk): 8 µg / cm2
• Surfaces/swab samples (pasteurized egg powder): 0.015 µg / cm2
• CIP water: 1 ppm
Detected analyte Egg residues
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